Remote Schooling Information

When remote schooling will be used 

We are pleased to share some information about our remote schooling arrangements with you.  We hope that you find the following information useful.
We would introduce remote schooling for the following reasons:
  • If severe weather means that it is not safe to open the school site.
  • If another lockdown is announced by the government.
The following arrangements will apply:
  • We will write to you by Parentmail to inform you that we will be moving to remote schooling for your child.
  • We will aim to give you as much notice as possible.

Kindergarten and Juniors 

Our Kindergarten and Junior pupils will have Zoom lessons which will be delivered by the class teacher.  They will also have some work sent home by email to parents.  The work will be sent home the evening before so that parents have time to print any required resources.

Remote Schooling for Kindergarten Pupils explained

In Kindergarten remote schooling will take place via Zoom.  The class teacher will send home a link to the meeting room and a password to join the meeting.  On arrival you will be directed to the waiting room until the teacher is ready to start each session.  We are happy for the children to have their cameras and microphones on at the beginning of each session, the teacher will then mute the children when necessary to explain tasks without any background distractions.

Usual school timetable will be simplified to allow for a range of curriculum subjects, within a manageable home-schooling day. The Zoom sessions each day will take place at the following times:

9.15am Maths

11am English

1.30pm Other subject areas

3.00pm Summary of the day/ story

The teacher will introduce the lesson, demonstrate what the children are expected to do, answer any questions and then leave the children to complete the tasks.

Work completed can either be emailed back to the class teacher or kept for the teacher to see on return to school.

Remote Schooling for Junior Pupils explained

In the Juniors, remote schooling will take place via Zoom. The class teacher will email the work to the parents the night before and send home a link to the meeting room and a password to join the meeting. On arrival, your child will be directed to the waiting room until the teacher is ready to start each lesson. We are happy for the children to have their cameras on if they wish.

Our usual school timetable will be simplified to allow for a range of curriculum subjects, within a manageable home-schooling day.

In each lesson, the teacher will introduce the lesson, demonstrate what the children are expected to do, answer any questions and then leave the children to complete the tasks.  Work completed can either be emailed back to the class teacher or kept for the teacher to see on return to school.

Remote Schooling for Senior School pupils explained 

Our senior pupils will follow their usual timetable through Microsoft Teams.  The lessons will begin at the same time as school lessons:
9:15am Lesson 1
10:15am Lesson 2
11:15am Break
11:35 Lesson 3
12:35 Lesson 4
1:30 Lunch
2:30 Lesson 5
The pupils will use their school email accounts to access Teams and will also be able to submit work via this platform.  It our expectation that all senior pupils will attend their Teams lessons and should be ready to take part in the Teams call at the start of the lesson. We also expect them to complete the work set to the best of their ability.
The documents on the right of this page will provide further information for both parents and pupils.

Blended Remote Schooling

In addition, there may be cases where individual or small groups of pupils may be isolating when other pupils in the bubble remain in school.  We will then provide blended remote schooling. This could occur for following reasons:
  • If a pupil has returned from a country which requires a period of quarantine.
  • If a pupil needs to isolate because they have tested positive for Covid 19.

Arrangements for Blended Remote Schooling

It is important to note that all of our teachers are timetabled to deliver lessons to pupils in school throughout the day. As a result, this reduces their capability to offer live lessons to pupils who may be isolating at home.
However, we will provide the following:
  • Meaningful and challenging work will be set in a number of different subjects and a full explanation of the task will be given.
  • The work will be based on a planned and well-sequenced curriculum which enables knowledge and skills to be built incrementally.
  • Teachers will assess the work in order to gauge how well pupils are progressing. For kg and juniors, work will be submitted by email by the parents and for the seniors, work will be submitted by the pupils by email or through teams. It is also possible to ask for clarification or advice through email too.
  • The work should be submitted to the teachers for feedback so that it is possible to adjust the pace or revise the difficulty of the work being set in order to support the pupil’s progress.