When remote schooling will be used
- If severe weather means that it is not safe to open the school site.
- If another lockdown is announced by the government.
- We will write to you by Parentmail to inform you that we will be moving to remote schooling for your child.
- We will aim to give you as much notice as possible.
Kindergarten and Juniors
Remote Schooling for Kindergarten Pupils explained
In Kindergarten remote schooling will take place via Zoom. The class teacher will send home a link to the meeting room and a password to join the meeting. On arrival you will be directed to the waiting room until the teacher is ready to start each session. We are happy for the children to have their cameras and microphones on at the beginning of each session, the teacher will then mute the children when necessary to explain tasks without any background distractions.
Usual school timetable will be simplified to allow for a range of curriculum subjects, within a manageable home-schooling day. The Zoom sessions each day will take place at the following times:
9.15am Maths
11am English
1.30pm Other subject areas
3.00pm Summary of the day/ story
The teacher will introduce the lesson, demonstrate what the children are expected to do, answer any questions and then leave the children to complete the tasks.
Work completed can either be emailed back to the class teacher or kept for the teacher to see on return to school.
Remote Schooling for Junior Pupils explained
Our usual school timetable will be simplified to allow for a range of curriculum subjects, within a manageable home-schooling day.