We are delighted to provide an open door policy at St John’s School.

What does this mean?

If you have a concern about your child or a question about school, learning or anything else, we are happy to communicate with you, whether by email, on the phone or in person.

The purpose of our Open Door Policy is to encourage open communication, feedback and discussion. If you have any worries or concerns about your child’s education, then we believe that it is far better that you come into school and discuss them – in the first case with the class or form teacher, then with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and then the Head Teacher. Following this process allows issues to be resolved and explained.

How does this work?

Our staff are usually available in their rooms after school, however we ask that you please email the teacher in the first instance to ensure that this will be the case and to confirm availability. Alternatively, you may feel that communicating by email is sufficient and in some cases, staff will usually be able to call you during the day if you wish.

Please note that it can be difficult for class teachers to see you in the morning as they are often setting up the lessons for the day or at before school meetings.  Additionally, once the school day begins at 8:45am, the teachers will be busy with the children and starting lessons on time. We therefore suggest, that you email the teacher or alternatively, please  feel free to call the school office who will happily pass a message on to the teacher for you.

If your concern or question cannot wait or you want some additional help, a member of the Senior Leadership Team will always try to help:

  • Mrs Revill (Kindergarten Coordinator)
  • Mrs Littlefield (Junior School Coordinator)
  • Mrs Lines (SENCo)
  • Miss Hyland (Senior School Curriculum leader, Upper 4 (Year 9) Options)
  • Mr Summers (Exams Officer)
  • Miss Raynard (Head of Pastoral Care and Discipline for Upper 3 (Year 7) and Lower 4 (Year 8)
  • Mr Pritchard (Head of Pastoral Care and Discipline for Upper 4 (Year 9) and Lower 5 (Year 10)
  • Mrs Morgan (Head of Pastoral Care and Discipline for Upper 5 (Year 11)
  • Miss Raynard (Internet Safety)
  • Mrs Fleming (Designated Safeguarding Lead and School procedures and policies)

Staff Email Addresses