We will be delighted to speak to you

Normally, every admission at St John’s School starts with prospective parents/ carers visiting for either a personal tour or on one of our popular Open Day events.  Please call our Registrar who would be delighted to book you a tour.  Once you have visited St John’s, if you decide you would like to proceed with your child’s admission you will need to;

Complete a Registration Form

For entry to Pre-Reception and Reception please complete the relevant Pre-Reception and Reception Registration Form, there is no registration fee for entry to these years.  For possible entry to Lower Kindergarten (Year 1) onwards through to Lower 5 (Year 10) we would ask that a Preparatory and Senior School Registration Form be completed and forwarded along with payment for the non-refundable Registration Fee of £138 (inclusive of VAT), by BACS payment, to progress your child’s admission.  Waiting lists are available from birth and held in chronological date order of receipt of registrations received.

Admission process explained by year group

Pre-Reception (2 –4 year olds)

We welcome children at any time after their second birthday.  Admission to Pre-Reception is year-round, subject to availability of spaces.  The minimum number of sessions your child will be required to attend is two morning sessions per week.

Once registered, normally you would be invited for a short informal meeting with our Head of Kindergarten or another member of our Senior Leadership Team.  If your child has already been in a nursery setting we will also request a copy of their latest report.


Boys and girls progress into Reception in the September after they turn four.  St John’s School prides itself on small class sizes and priority is given to those children already attending our Pre-Reception class.

If you are looking for your child to join from Reception, once registered, as above you would normally be invited for an informal visit with your child to meet either the Head of Kindergarten or another member of our Senior Leadership Team.  A copy of your child’s latest nursery/ Pre-School report will be requested and contact may be made with your child’s current setting, prior to an offer being made.

Form 1/ Year 3 (Junior School Entry)

For entry to Form 1 (Year 3 Junior School Entry) parents/ carers are asked to complete and submit their child’s registration.  Once registered, a copy of your child’s most recent school report will be requested and your child will be invited to attend for an assessment day in their current year group.

Upper 3/ Year 7 (Senior School Entry)

All boys and girls registered for entry into Upper 3 (Year 7 Senior School Entry) are asked to complete their registration by the November prior to the year of entry.  All those registered will be invited to attend the Senior Entrance Assessment held in the November or January prior to their potential admission the following September.  St John’s will contact your child’s current school to obtain a Senior School Reference.

The Senior Entrance Assessment day comprises of English, Mathematics and Non-Verbal Reasoning assessments along with an informal interview with a group of applicants and our Senior Management Team.  Please contact our Registrar for further details of the Senior entry assessments.  Once agreed, offers will usually be posted out by mid-February.

Senior School Upper 3 (Year 7) Entry Scholarship Awards

St John’s School is committed to attracting the most able and talented pupils to join an environment where they will be challenged and to which they can make an exciting contribution.  We are also committed to ensuring that able and talented children have access to this environment even when parental income is not sufficient to pay the full cost of the tuition fees.

The St John’s School Award for pupils joining our Senior School aims to give able and talented pupils a scholarship to St John’s ranging from 5% to 50% reduction in fees.  Talents may include such things as sport, drama, music or overall academic ability.  These awards will be means tested, a means tested form will need to be submitted by parents/ carers and eligible candidates will be assessed based on performance in our entrance assessment, interview with our Senior Management Team and appropriate letter/reference in support of your child’s talent.

All other year groups

St John’s School regularly receives mid-year applications, which are very welcome, providing there is availability in the required year group.  Once registered, a copy of your child’s most recent school report will be requested and your child will be invited to attend for an assessment day in their current year group.

On completion of an assessment day/s, review of your child’s most recent report and reference from their current school our Registrar will advise if your child has been successful in obtaining a place at St John’s School.

Accepting an Offer

If your child is offered a place you will be given an Offer Cover Letter and Acceptance Form Documentation (Parent Contract).  Both documents will need to be signed and returned to the school and we ask that the parent/carer retains a copy for their files.  On returning the signed Acceptance Form Documentation the following payment will need to be made to secure your child’s place;

£1,800 for a child joining Upper 3 (Year 7).  This is made up of a £600 deposit and £1,200 advanced fees which will be deducted from your first term’s invoice.

£600 deposit for a child to joining Lower Kindergarten (Year 1) to Lower 5 (Year 10).

Due to FEEE Funding guidelines a Deposit will not be charged for entry to Pre-Reception or Reception but instead will be applied to the first terms invoice in the Michaelmas Term of Lower Kindergarten (Year 1).

The above deposits advanced fees quoted are inclusive of VAT.


If your child is entering Pre-Reception, prior to starting, they will have an induction session to familiarise themselves with St John’s School and to get to know their teachers.

An induction day is normally held in June/ July  for children entering Senior School in Upper 3 (Year 7) the following September.